有人夫妻恩愛、月入數十萬,卻是有嚴重的不孕症; 有人才貌雙全、能幹多財;情字路上卻是坎坷難行;有人家財萬貫,卻是子孫不孝;有人看似好命,卻是一輩子腦袋空空。
有關閱讀:The Missing Piece
The Original Text:
In this society that emphasizes on the packaging, we would sometimes inevitably envy other people’s good looks, and lament about our own imperfection.
But in my years of experience, I have discovered that there’s no one life that is perfect, everyone has a lack of something.
Some couples are very loving, monthly salary of 10K+, but they could have problems bearing child.
Some people have the looks and talent, but could have a rough time in relationships.
Some people have lots of money, but they don’t have filial children.
Some people look to have a good life, but their brain could be empty all their life.
Everyone’s life has been designed with imperfections,you may not want it, but it will follow you.
I used to hate my imperfection, but now I have learnt to accept it with open arms. Because I understand that the flaw in life is like a spike on our backs, reminding us to be humble and to emphatise with others.
If there are no hardships, we will be complacent. If there is no depression, we cannot emphatise and console those who are less fortunate.
I also believe that life cannot be too perfect, having a crack to let happiness flow to others is a beautiful thing.
You don’t have to have everything. If you have everything, what’s left for the others?
Also recognise that life has flaws,that I will not compare myself with others, instead cherish what you already have.
So, don’t go around envying others, count the blessings that Heaven has bestowed upon you, you will find that there are more things that you have than things that you don’t have
And what you do not have, although not lovable, is very much part of your life,
accept and appreciate it, and your life will be much happier.
If you are a clam, do you want to bear all the pains to produce a pearl...or you do not want the pearl and choose to live comfortably?!
If you are a mouse, you suddenly find yourself captured in a rat trap and in front of you is a piece of delicious cake, do you eat the cake or not?!
Early piggy banks are made of clay, once it is filled, it has to be broken…
If there is such a piggy bank, no money has been put into it, until today and it has become a very priceless antique…Which piggy bank do you wish to be?!
Everytime you think of it, note down your answers…
Until a day when your answers does not change…
Then you are mature!
13 則留言:
俺有個 fan 就系千萬家財而得左個憂鬱症。日日游埠食魚翅都提唔起勁。
所以同俺媽講,+x 的唔開心肯定比你既更痛苦。
1. 不要珍珠--->個人取向...
2. 吃! why not?
3. 做很快被人敲碎的一個, 無所事事, 豈不白活, 做了古董又如何?
人皆尋夢 夢裡不分西東
片刻春風得意 未知景物矇矓
人生如夢 夢裡輾轉吉凶
尋樂不堪苦困 未識苦與樂同
醉翁他朝醒覺 是否跨鳳成龍?
呵~, 在試緊在痛苦中尋找快樂, 試緊什麼叫ok地生活~.
依篇...AK咁睇...人,未必係要去追求完美...,只係,一定會,亦都要有所追求,係過程之中,認清Give and Take...之後actively,經過思考之後咁去make一個choice,咁大致上,就可以無悔的了...
POSITIVE咁睇, 意義在於可否活得感動!
NEGATIVE咁睇, 大家可否活得無悔!
(若到最後, 能無悔一生, 是否就一樣等同"活得有意義"呢?)
On Dog哥哥:你好勁呀,咁快答到既?我只答到第二題咋,我個答案仲成日變添呀,我都真係(心智)未成熟囉好明顯。
Like this article. Cheer!
I get in here from 70/F website......
Holly Cow
Hi Holly Cow, glad that you like it! I read this article for more than 30 times myself..... and still not quite sure of my answer.
Hi Samsara,
Like your blog, Thanks for your sharing :)
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Angel :)